The HIVE roundup, a summary of our 12-part series

This article is part of our series on Global consumer insight on Covid-19. You can view the full series or download the report.
Over the last 12 weeks the world has changed almost unrecognisably, something which continues to impact many parts of the globe. This profound disruption has sent ripples through consumer behaviour, forcing change across almost all product categories and industries. Here at Brand Genetics we have been exploring these shifts with weekly analysis from our global network of insight and innovation professionals covering every continent except Antarctica!
Now, as many countries emerge from lockdown and businesses return to a sense of normality, we have made the decision to halt these weekly updates. As a wrap up, we have complied all the analysis into a handy set of links so that you can easily find the insight into your industry from the HIVE. Check them out and, as always, if you have further questions or challenges to explore please do get in touch:
We utilise a psychological model, the ARC of happiness, to explore the impact of the pandemic on consumer behaviour.
We explore the roles brands can take in responding to the crisis, taking leadership and reassuring their consumers.
We dissect the skewed odds of the virus and the inequality of its impact.
As consumers look to take control over their wellbeing, we discuss the changes to consumer behaviour in this sector.
We look beyond physical health to pull apart its knock-on impact to the world’s financial health.
Zoom fatigue? Our deep dive into consumer behaviour change in the tech and digital sector.
With schools out, we explore the changing family dynamic and how this has impacted household’s behaviour.
Cooking up a storm? With restaurants closed and the shopping experience drastically changed, we discuss the changes to consumer behaviour occurring in the kitchen.
As businesses move from shock to response, recovery and even growth, we look at some of the winners and losers.
Our conversation on what socialisation and entertainment means in the coming months
The current situation has seen an unprecedented focus on health and hygiene. With new public safety messages being issued on a regular basis, we dissect what are the habits that people are following and how many of these will last in the long-term.
In our closing episode we touch on the changing consumer behaviour when it comes to cosmetics, hair care and all things scrubbing up!
It’s been a great journey and we thank you – the readers – for your time and contributions to topic suggestions through this period. We hope we’ve helped give you a sense of the local and global impacts this pandemic has had on so many parts of our everyday lives.