Winning with fans: How brands can harness the power of sports fan motivations

This article is part of our series on Sports Fan Motivations. You can view the full series or download the report.
Download ReportOver 1.1 billion people watched the last Fifa World Cup Final. Far eclipsing the 206 million daily twitter users or 530 million who watched man’s first step on the moon.
This creates a significant challenge for business – with record audiences, comes record levels of noise, competition, and barriers to cut through.
The World Cup holds almost as much focus, promise and appeal for brands as it does for players. So how can companies cut-through the noise to land meaningful interactions with fans around the world?
During last year’s 2022 tournament, we ran an independent, global research study to find out the answer!
Our latest report contains:
- A rich understanding of the motivations driving sports fan behaviour
- An in-depth look at how these motivations came to life throughout the build-up, in-the-moment of match day and post-match.
- A series of best-in-class highlights from brands which aligned to the 8 fan motivations at the 2022 Fifa World Cup.
Download the report top line and get in touch today to walk through the full report
Are you looking to unlock the power of motivations to drive brand growth? Look no further!